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LeadingResponse and Agent Boost Marketing have partnered to fill your pipeline with qualified prospects!

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We’ve cracked the code to generating high-quality, motivated prospects - consistently.

Medicare marketing has changed, and so must your business strategy. Our team has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to get you in front of the right prospects, in the right way, at the right time. With our team’s expert guidance, you can fill your sales events during the Annual Enrollment Period and your pipelines during the off-season with highly effective educational events and webinars.

Who We Are

Expedita voluptas omnis cupiditate totam eveniet nobis sint iste. Dolores est repellat corrupti reprehenderit.

Quisquam vel ut sint cum eos hic dolores aperiam. Sed deserunt et. Inventore et et dolor consequatur itaque ut voluptate sed et. Magnam nam ipsum tenetur suscipit voluptatum nam et est corrupti.


Better Solutions for Insurance Agents


Educational Events

In-person educational events have proven successful for decades and deliver unparalleled conversion. We utilize a multichannel approach to market the Medicare-eligible population to ensure your event is filled with consumers that fit your "perfect client" profile. Our programs can help your business reach new heights fast.


Sales Events

During the Annual Enrollment Period, consumers are looking for unbiased advice on the best plan for them based on their individual needs. However, most sales events are specific to a particular plan. Break away from the crowd with our unbranded, compliant, and independent sales events. Our expert team will guide you with all the tools you need to make sales events successful for you!



Get the same level of interaction online that you’ve come to expect from traditional workshops and financial seminars. Schedule digital events anywhere, anytime, and host them directly through your web browser. It’s a stress-free way for you to grow your business while staying within your marketing budget. You bring the expertise, and we’ll bring the audience to you.

Happy Clients


Support Hours

Hard Workers


How the Master Membership Works for You

Builds expertise

Attracts attention

Educates investors

Starts conversations

Wins clients

Deepens relationships

Here’s What The Horsesmouth Master Membership Includes

Turn-Key Presentations. Access growing suite of expert-created digital and print information, client presentations and forums on popular consumer topics

Marketing Plans & Guidance. Never be unprepared. Get monthly, turnkey marketing plan and FINRA-reviewed communications, presentations, and more for engaging meetings and sharing on social media.

Tools & Techniques. Start the right conversations with your prospects. Get tools and software that can help guide your interactions. Raise millions following the Master Member business growth framework with Horsesmouth and LeadingResponse.

Ratione mollitia eos ab laudantium rerum beatae quo

Turn-Key Presentations

Your Master Membership includes a growing suite of expert-created digital and print information, client presentations and forums on popular consumer topics, including taxes, Social Security, Medicare, estate planning, IRA planning, long-term care, college planning, cybersecurity, and CPA/strategic alliances. Join the industry’s only end-to-end program that guides advisors with fresh, insightful, and actionable advice every day.

Ullamco laboris nisi

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt

Labore consequatur

Aut suscipit aut cum nemo deleniti aut omnis. Doloribus ut maiores omnis facere

Beatae veritatis

Expedita veritatis consequuntur nihil tempore laudantium vitae denat pacta

Molestiae dolor

Et fuga et deserunt et enim. Dolorem architecto ratione tensa raptor marte

Explicabo consectetur

Est autem dicta beatae suscipit. Sint veritatis et sit quasi ab aut inventore

What Clients Are Saying

Better Results with LeadingResponse

“With LeadingResponse, I now have a growing practice with a predictable marketing plan and a proven system, and I am confident more success is inevitable.

– Financial Advisor

“LeadingResponse allowed us to get a client base that was financially qualified, age-appropriate, and more importantly, showed us how far off we were with who we should have been targeting.

– Financial Advisor

“Our firm and advisors have entrusted LeadingResponse with all of our seminars and webinars, and we have never been let down.

– Financial Advisor

Asperiores Commodi

Non et temporibus minus omnis sed dolor esse consequatur. Cupiditate sed error ea fuga sit provident adipisci neque.

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Velit Doloremque.

Cumque et suscipit saepe. Est maiores autem enim facilis ut aut ipsam corporis aut. Sed animi at autem alias eius labore.

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Dolori Architecto

Hic molestias ea quibusdam eos. Fugiat enim doloremque aut neque non et debitis iure. Corrupti recusandae ducimus enim.

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Your Dedicated Team

Scott Brewer

National Sales Consultant

Scott Brewer brings over 15 years of experience with LeadingResponse. He has experience in graphic design, art production, all aspects of printing, customer service management, and specializes in sales and marketing.

Jen DeBuhr

Vice President of Sales

Camie Chau

National Marketing Consultant

Contact Me Now

Quentin S. Bardo

Senior National Marketing Consultant

Part of the LeadingResponse team since 2012, Quentin has helped hundreds of financial professionals and healthcare practices get in front of their ideal prospective clients.


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Eum ad dolor et. Autem aut fugiat debitis voluptatem consequuntur sit

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Ready to get started? Partnering with LeadingResponse and Horsesmouth means you’ll get a dedicated account representative and personalized guidance from day one, access to our client portal, Hub, for the data you need to grow your business, and robust audience targeting to ensure the best prospects, every time.

What are you waiting for? Sign up now for a free consultation and let’s get started.